GIRD’s mission is to provide the latest digital signal processing algorithms, techniques and solutions that enable our customers to reduce development times and increase wireless communication systems’ performance. Our solutions are implemented as either turn-key hardware implementations or reusable firmware IP blocks which are available in formats supporting a variety of hardware processing devices utilized by the industry. GIRD strives to become a leading developer of custom digital signal processing solutions for both the commercial and military markets.
GIRD Systems relies on a team that includes well-published PhD-level researchers and developers working with experienced engineers to implement the algorithms in hardware and software-based systems. Our intellectual property base includes a library of novel algorithms that outperform approaches published in literature. We also frequently develop custom algorithms tailored to the specific needs of a customer's unique requirement. In competitive technical evaluations, GIRD Systems has consistently delivered approaches that offer not only the best performance, but are also efficient enough to be implemented in real-time systems.

GIRD seeks a collaborative relationship with both military and commercial prime contractors to integrate the company's advanced signal processing solutions and/or firmware IP blocks into various systems such as communications, RADAR, Satellite systems and geo-location, and to collaborate and contribute to the development of new systems.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does GIRD stand for?
Government and Industry Research and Development
Are you hiring?
Yes! We are rapidly building a reputation in the industry and we are in constant need of additional engineers. Co-op, intern, part-time, or full-time!
Does GIRD go to trade shows and events?
Yes! A link is coming soon.